CAFRAL Virtual Conference on LIBOR Transition and Benchmark Reforms

Learning Event, Policy and Regulation
Thursday, December 23, 2021
Online CISCO WebEx
Senior and Top Management executives of banks and financial institutions who deal with market operations, international banking, LIBOR transition programs/ issues.; Board members who need to understand the issues and developments relating to LIBOR transition and benchmark reform.


LIBOR transition is no more a future event. With regulatory prescriptions in place, with a roadmap, it is already a work in progress for banks, financial institutions and corporates. Banks and other financial institutions following the regulatory roadmap and implementing their transition strategies are grappling with the complexities, challenges and technical glitches involved and there is a lot to be gained from the sharing of experiences. This one day long CAFRAL Virtual Conference seeks to provide all stakeholders a platform to deliberate on the technical details and implementation challenges. Also, it will attempt to assess the state of preparedness amongst the financial sector stakeholders as far as the transition is concerned, while deliberating on the progress in benchmark reform.


  • Following issues/topics will be covered in the Conference:
  • Preparedness for LIBOR Transition: Regulatory Assessment
  • Preparedness for LIBOR Transition: Experience Sharing
  • LIBOR Transition - Beyond MIFOR: Where Do We Stand?
  • Valuation of LIBOR linked Loans, Bonds and Deposits
  • LIBOR Transition: A Cross Country View

Program Description
Address N/A Timing 9:45 AM - 5:45 PM
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