While the core function of the Treasury remains to ensure that the assets continue to match the liabilities, while ensuring adequate income, its role has evolved from being a centralized liquidity management function to that of a comprehensive payment, supply chain, liquidity and forex management function. Increasing market risk and volatility, need for better cash flow forecasting and deployment of funds, including to its credit functions has made Treasury central to banking operations. The increased use of Technological and analytical tools have made the Treasury more efficient in its primary role of ensuring that banks & financial institutions have sufficient funds at minimal cost to meet their short term and long term obligations, ensuring adequate return on investment; it also necessitates deeper understanding of regulations, instruments and products.
This conference seeks to provide a perspective on the rapidly changing functions of Treasury, on the challenges in management of financial market operations, risk functions, interest rate risk and Asset-Liability mismatches. The conference will provide a platform for discussion by experts including regulators and practitioners, on the future path for evolution of the G-Sec and Forex market, tools for risk management, market making initiatives and the financial market infrastructure in place, besides measures for prevention of market abuse.
Conference Highlights:
The conference will deal with the following topics:
- Evolving trends in financial markets operations and emerging technology & risks – financial markets interlinkages
- Derivatives products and tools for hedging risks
- Corporate Bonds – Issues and Challenges in developing the market and valuation
- Preventive measures for market abuse - Regulatory perspective
- Emerging trends in the NDF market and in INR Off-shore markets
- Retailing of G-Sec & Forex market – Opportunities & Concerns