
Program on Governance and Assurance for Directors on Board of Banks, FIs and NBFCs

Learning Event, Governance
Friday, November 17, 2023
Rendezvous, Hotel Taj Mahal Tower, Colaba, Mumbai
Directors on the Boards of Banks, FIs and NBFCs; Top Management Executives from Banks, FIs and NBFCs


The Board of Banks, Financial Institutions (FIs) and NBFCs is responsible for their organisation’s business strategy, effective governance structure & practices, risk management & compliance obligations, besides being accountable for ensuring its financial soundness and taking key personnel decisions. The Board of Directors (BoD) must meet the fit and proper criteria, maintain a strategic oversight on assurance functions, have an understanding of risk management functions and should have the ability to seek / extract vital information. It should have the capacity to identify emerging risks and address control & process issues that would enhance its function and credibility. Furthermore, the BoD needs to be aware and keep track of emerging trends, have an efficient feedback mechanism and the ability to accommodate divergent views. Taken together, these features would assist in developing a policy based governance system, robust management and a dynamic BoD that would enhance the stature of the organization.


The program seeks to enhance the awareness of the BoD of banks, NBFCs and FIs on the regulatory expectations on their roles and responsibilities including their role in various sub-committees of the Board and on the emerging challenges in non-financial risks such as cyber risk & climate change risk. The program aims at providing the practical aspects of Board governance and functioning, and opportunities to interact with regulators and industry experts.

Program Highlights:

The program will deal with the following topics:

  • Governance and Assurance Functions in Banks, FIs and NBFCs – Role and Responsibilities of the Board
  • Managing non-financial risks – Oversight functions of the Board
  • Governance Challenges in use of Advanced Technologies
  • Ethical Performance, Conflict Resolution and Value Oriented Strategic Decisions
  • KYC / AML Measures – Regulatory Perspective

Program Description
Address N/A Timing 09:45 AM-05:45 PM

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