CAFRAL Virtual Program on Women Leadership in Financial Sector

Learning Event, Leadership & Strategy
Thursday, July 15, 2021
Online CISCO WebEx - Virtual Learning Program
Senior and Middle level Women Officers of Banks, NBFCs and Financial Institutions

Objective: This is a unique virtual leadership program for women officers at senior and middle levels in Banks, Financial Institutions and NBFCs. This program has five building blocks. One, it seeks to expose the participants to key theoretical concepts and aspects of leadership. Two, it seeks to provide inputs to the participants on crucial trends and developments in banking and financial services business-, as every leader or potential leader, regardless of gender, ought to know. Three, it aims at sensitizing the participants about certain issues and facts surrounding gender equality and equity, particularly in the context of financial services business. Four, going beyond discussion, it helps participants explore and identify their typical personality traits and leadership competencies that are potentially more relevant for financial services business. Special focus will be on such traits and leadership competencies which women might typically possess. Building on that, the program would provide practical insights into methods and ways which can be used to perform and lead more efficiently, leveraging on identified personality traits and leadership competencies. Lastly, the program would exclusively focus on ‘problem solving through innovation’ which is part of the business strategy of most organizations today. Discussion and project work on this will enable the participants to better communicate the need for innovation across their organizations and lead innovations there.

Program Highlights: The Program will be delivered in two tranches. Tranche - I will be for one day covering virtual classroom lectures, presentations and discussions. Tranche II to be delivered after a gap of two weeks, will be for two days, during which there will be group activities on leadership competency mapping, finalisation of project work and presentations by the groups.

The Program will deal with the following topics/ issues through virtual class-room lectures, group discussions, project work and group activities.

•     Leadership- Concepts and Theories

•     Women in Financial Sector – A Quick Review.

•     Understanding Gender Equity Deficit in Risk Management and Market - Operations

•     Exploring Unique Leadership Traits In Women and Leadership Competency Mapping

•     Design Thinking and Innovation

•     How to Lead Innovation for Problem Solving and Organisational Transformation

•     Women in Board Rooms - What differences do they make?

•     Constraints Women Leaders Face - Tool Box to Navigate. 

Program Description
Address N/A Timing 9:45 AM - 5:45 PM
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