CAFRAL Virtual Conference on Central Bank Digital Currencies - What, Why & How

Learning Event, Bank Management
Tuesday, August 31, 2021
Online CISCO WebEx - Virtual Conference
Top and Senior Officers and Board Members of Banks, Financial Institutions and NBFCs. Senior Officers of RBI, SEBI & IRDA.


In recent years, there has been increasingly heightened research, deliberations and activities on central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). CBDC is no more just a concept. Now we are talking in terms of not only CBDC but CBDCs.

Some CBDCs are on the drawing board and a few are already under pilot run. As CBDCs tend to become vital components of countries’ economies and financial systems,  top management and senior officers from financial sector need to deepen and widen their understanding of CBDCs & their potential implications for payment systems, monetary policy implementation and transmission, as well as for the structure and stability of the financial system. More granularly, various design choices for a CBDC needs to be understood. There are technology and strategy issues too. At a more profound level, CBDCs could be potential ‘game changers’ from the perspectives of financial disintermediation, financial inclusion & financial crime.

In the above backdrop, CAFRAL has designed a half day virtual conference on CENTRAL BANK DIGITAL CURRENCIES: WHAT, WHY & HOW for top management and senior officers from financial sector. In the Conference, top policy makers and experts would deal with the following:

  • Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)- A Policy Perspective
  • CBDCs- Design, Technology and Strategy Choices
  • CBDCs- Enabler or Disruptor?
  • CBDCs: Cross Country Cases

Program Description
Address N/A Timing 10:00 AM to 01:00 PM
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