CAFRAL Virtual Conference of Chief Risk Officers and Heads of Risk Management Departments

Learning Event, Risk Management
Thursday, November 19, 2020 to Friday, November 20, 2020
Online CISCO WebEx - Virtual Learning Program
Chief Risk Officers, Heads of Risk Management Departments and Senior risk officers; Senior officers associated with ERM /Integrated Risk Management, credit, market and operational risk management, ICAAP & stress testing; Senior Trainers; Whole-time and Non- Executive Directors on the Board.

Background: Risk Management in banks and financial institutions have seen repeated failures despite adoption of sophisticated approaches, increasing stringency in regulation, and intensive use of technology. Among other things, the reasons for failure are the siloed approach to risk management, focus on expediency and short-term objectives, lack of effective senior management oversight, poor compliance with policies and/or regulations. One of the overarching causes has been the lack of alignment amongst strategy, performance and risks.

Objective: This Conference would provide a forum to the heads of banks’ risk function and other senior officers associated with risk management and risk governance to meet, review and discuss the known and the emerging issues in risk management. Sessions will also focus on risk governance, interaction amongst various risks, systemic risk, retail sector risk, stress testing, Management (ERM) and Extended Enterprise Risk Management (EERM), particularly against the backdrop of COVID-19.

The Virtual Conference will also facilitate cross-learning and collaboration amongst the participants from different organisations.

Coverage: The thematic focus of the Conference will be ERM and EERM.

In addition, coverage will include sessions/discussions on

          Risk governance, culture and compliance

          How to align and integrate management of various risks

          Use of technologies, data, analytics in risk management

          ICAAP and risk management

          Risk Assessment & Stress Testing in times of COVID

          Regulatory response to emerging risks 

          Management of systemic risk


Program Description
Address N/A Timing 9:45 AM - 17:00PM
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